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Artist Spotlight - JUNIPER BRIGGS

Updated: Mar 13, 2019

Welcome to my first Artist Spotlight! If there is one thing y'all are constantly asking me about its art sources. Art is subjective and maybe the one thing you put in your home that really shows off your personality and style. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about your choices in art as long as it speaks to you! I don’t care if you find it in a dumpster, or the thrift store, or your kid made it. If it speaks to you, HANG IT UP. I’m not going dumpster diving for you anytime soon but I have been lucky to meet a lot of artists over the last few years and it makes me endlessly happy to introduce them to you outside of our tiny Instagram squares.

Today we are meeting my friend, Juniper Briggs. Juniper just launched a new collection and it is FABULOUS! I swear we didn’t plan our launches together. It makes sense though because we’ve joked about being soul sisters for the last few years. In fact I have a print that she named Soul Sisters after a discussion we had late one night.

Juniper is an absolute joy. A light in the day. Her smile and attitude towards life do the world some good. Juniper divides her time between her creative work and her family by working out of her home studio on an easel and workbench that her husband built for her. Her two sweet girls sometimes make an appearance in her studio and I’ve got a feeling someone might follow in her Mama’s footsteps.

Here’s what Juniper has to say about her new collection.

"This series was loosely inspired by the Kimono, a garment I find both aesthetically fascinating and beautiful. Steeped in symbolism, I was moved to explore this bold form of individual self expression through my own use of color, pattern and abstract design.”

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

You can find Juniper’s new collection, original artwork and prints in her shop right here.

You can follow her journey on IG here. Make sure to tune in to her Instagram stories to watch her work come to life.

XO, Meg

a few favorites currently in her shop...

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

Juniper Briggs Artist Spotlight on Undecorated Home

*Photography courtesy of Juniper Briggs


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