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Hazel's Room Reveal

The day has finally come when I can share all the details of Hazel's room with you! I don't think I have ever been more excited about a project. It all started months ago when I finally caved and told Hazel she could turn her bed sideways like she's wanted for so long. We decided to design this room together. The plan was to make it last through high school if possible. We sat down together and talked about what she thought her room was missing, what would make it more functional and we thought about what the future holds for her in this space. She's 11, going into middle school. Her main needs were turning the bed into a daybed to create more space and appropriate storage for her art supplies and all the little things she collects.

We cleared the room out and gave the walls and ceiling a fresh coat of Clare Paint Whipped wall paint. Then we installed new baseboards and trim to match the rest of the house. Having the room cleared out gave us a better idea of the space and allowed us to take some good measurements for the design.

We started with the bed. Her mattress is new so it was staying but we needed a headboard for our jumping off point. I showed Hazel my friend Angie's wall hung headboards at Norwegian Wood and she was sold. Hazel's mattress is really thick so I found this platform (the lowest I could find) and Angie customized the headboard to fit in the space that was left under the window. Angie's headboards hang from leather straps, come in a ton of fabric choices and have customizable options. We didn't choose the fabric until later on in the design process but we ended up with black linen, cognac leather straps and gold stand offs in the 72" size. Hazel's bed is a double but this size would work with a twin turned sideways as well. The rugs in the shot below eventually changed but here is a good look at that perfectly fit headboard.

Next came storage. Hazel has a ton of art supplies, paper, and collections so I wanted narrow drawers. Big drawers just tend to lose everything and are always a mess. I picked up two of these Alex cabinets and they are perfect for her needs.

(planter is unavailable)

The charcoal basket is a laundry basket from my friends at The Dharma Door USA and it holds a TON of stuffed animals. Gotta make those stuffies look cool when you are 11 but can't let them go yet.

I stole the stools from Mae's room. They are great for extra seating and double as a nightstand.

I was planning on keeping Hazel's old Ikea Expedit shelves but after the walls were painted the shelves really showed their age and looked yellowed out. I found these ladder bookshelves on sale they are a great knock off of the beloved CB2 shelves.

|Stool is a tree stump from our cabin|

Once we had the headboard and bookshelf measurements figured out I realized we had just enough room to use our Reva Sconces from Lucent Lightshop. We used them in our Master Bedroom when we first moved in. They had navy shades but I reached out to Sarah and she was kind enough to send me new shades in black to go with the bookshelves. We've had these sconces for about 4 years and they are just as gorgeous as the day we bought them They are perfect for this daybed set up because they are adjustable in 3 different places.

Next up was the giant cork board wall. Tutorial coming on that soon! This long wall has always stumped us. We've tried a gallery wall and a picture rail but neither really took advantage of the space or offered Hazel enough room for her art. She is a saver and I wanted her to have a place to actually be able to see all the little love notes and pictures of friends and what not that she has saved in boxes over the years. I found this 4 x 8 cork board and we mounted it on a piece of plywood and trimmed it out with a narrower version of her baseboards.

After we had all the big stuff figured out it was time to nail down the textiles. Originally we went with a nice calm palette from The Company Store to go with a rug my parents were giving away. (You can see that here.) We quickly realized that the rug shed too much and we had to start with something new. I went with this old trusty rug because we've had it in our foyer for years, it doesn't show dirt or wear and I knew it would be great for layering. Later on we would pick out pillows and find that we already had the perfect rug from Jean Palmer Home to layer on top.

Once the curtains were down the bamboo shades weren't cutting it at night. Hazel likes a dark room and she wasn't sleeping well. One of the shades was broken and there was no point in making over a room and not doing it right at this point. I found Tonic Living, a fabric company that makes custom shades, curtains and pillows in a ton of fabric selections. They also offer multiple lining options for shades including black out so we knew this was the way to go. We chose this linen fabric with a gray windowpane pattern in an outside mount with blackout lining. The quality is outstanding and the subtle pattern is lovely in person. You can check out the custom shade options here.

While we were picking out shades we stumbled on their pillows and fell for a whole new color palette. It's sophisticated for a teen but it's also fun and I think it will carry her through the next few years at the very least. They completely set the tone for this room and elevated it into the artist loft vibe we were going for!

She still needed a chair but I didn't bring that up because I had the perfect one in mind. This hand chair from Eclectic Goods has been a favorite for years and I knew it would be a great piece that she would cherish forever. Let me tell ya, it's even better in person!

Last stop was lighting and I was kind of stumped until I remembered Ashlie at The Light Factory who designs these amazing bubble chandeliers and other beautiful lighting. She helped us pick the right size chandelier for Hazel's room which ended up being the frosted 25 bubble chandelier and she helped us choose a cord length (4"). She offers a lot of cord wrapping options; we chose jute because I wanted the cord to stand out a little. We also chose a white canopy to go with the ceiling medallion I picked up here. This chandelier really brought the room to the next level. It's incredible!

Hazel loves to check out my current favorite artists on Instagram and she immediately fell for Keren Toledano's work. Keren sent us two pieces of her art. Hazel picked out this larger piece below with the wood hanger. It's right above the thumb of the chair. If it's on the board its a treasure! Keren painted some of the colors onto the print to fit Hazel's color scheme. We love it.

I think that covers everything. Hazel and I are both very happy with the room! I think we nailed her personality and created a space for her that will work or at least easily adjust for the foreseeable future. Let me know what you think! If you have any questions drop them down below.

XO, Meg

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